Taken from the Lawrence Daily Journal-World Nov. 7, 1974
Well-known Lawrence man Leo Beuerman, 72, passed away early this morning at Wakarusa Manor Convalescent Home. Beuerman had been a familiar sight in Lawrence, selling pencils from his ground-level perambulator which gave him additional mobility in spite of his disabilities. He had commuted from his home on a farm about eight miles from Lawrence each day on a tractor, built to be operated solely with his hands, but he had given up his business late in 1969 when his failing eyesight had made it impossible to drive into town. He had worked at being self-supporting throughout his time at Wakarusa Manor, continuing to make articles for sale. Beuerman had been the subject of an inspirational short film made by Centron Corp., which had been a finalist for an Academy Award for short documentaries in 1969. The film, which received national circulation, had been based on Beuerman’s eight-page autobiography. Beuerman was survived by a brother and several nieces and nephews.